from .config import Config from .page_parser import PageParser from .db import CachedNotice from .notice import Notice import os from pathlib import Path import aiohttp from nonebot_plugin_apscheduler import scheduler import nonebot from nonebot import on_command, require from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.rule import Rule from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11.adapter import Message, MessageSegment from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import Message, MessageSegment, Bot, MessageEvent from nonebot.matcher import Matcher from nonebot.params import CommandArg require("nonebot_plugin_apscheduler") notice_pusher = on_command("csust_notice_pusher", rule=Rule(), priority=5) PACKAGE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) DATA_PATH = Path().absolute() / "data" / "notice_pusher" DB_PATH = DATA_PATH / "cache.db" GLOBAL_CFG = nonebot.get_driver().config CFG = Config.parse_obj(GLOBAL_CFG.dict()) XGDT_URL = '' XFZX_URL = '' URL_PREFIX = '' HEADERS = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.50', }'加载数据库文件: ' + str(DB_PATH)) db = CachedNotice(DB_PATH) async def check_and_push(): msg = await auto_check() await push_all(msg) async def auto_check() -> list[str]: msgs = [] xgdt_notices = await get_notices(XGDT_URL) xfzx_notices = await get_notices(XFZX_URL) xgdt_updates = [] xfzx_updates = [] # 学工动态 for i, n in enumerate(xgdt_notices): if db.is_notice_exists( continue full_url = URL_PREFIX + n.url msg = f'{i+1}. \n标题:{n.title}\n内容预览:{n.content_preview[:40]}\n链接:{full_url}\n\n' xgdt_updates.append(msg) db.add_notice(Notice(*n.get_properties()))"学工动态更新: " + msg) # 学发中心 for i, n in enumerate(xfzx_notices): if db.is_notice_exists( continue full_url = URL_PREFIX + n.url msg = f'{i+1}. \n标题:{n.title}\n内容预览:{n.content_preview[:40]}\n链接:{full_url}\n\n' xfzx_updates.append(msg) db.add_notice(Notice(*n.get_properties()))"学发中心更新: " + msg) if xgdt_updates: msgs.append('学工动态更新:\n') msgs += xgdt_updates if xfzx_updates: msgs.append('学发中心更新:\n') msgs += xfzx_updates return msgs async def get_notices(url: str): page_content = await get_page(url) if not page_content: return parser = PageParser(page_content) notices = parser.get_notices() return notices async def get_page(url: str) -> str: """获取页面 Raises: IOError: 页面获取失败 """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url=url, headers=HEADERS) as res: if res.status != 200: raise IOError('页面获取失败: Code ' + res.status) return await res.text() async def push_all(msg: str): for gid in CFG.notice_pusher_enable: await push_to_group(gid, msg) async def push_to_group(groupid: int, msg: str): bot = nonebot.get_bot() await bot.send_group_msg(group_id=groupid, message=Message(msg)) async def push_error_to_admins(user_id: list[int], msg: str): bot = nonebot.get_bot() for u in user_id: await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=user_id, message=Message(msg)) scheduler.add_job( check_and_push, 'cron', hour=9, minute=0, second=0, id='check_notice_and_push' ) @notice_pusher.handle() async def handle_pusher(matcher: Matcher, event: MessageEvent, arg: Message = CommandArg()): try: msg = await auto_check() except IOError as e: await push_error_to_admins(GLOBAL_CFG.superusers, str(e)) return await matcher.finish(msg)