import asyncio import base64 import random import time from io import BytesIO import aiohttp from nonebot import get_driver from nonebot.log import logger from PIL import Image from ..config import config from ..utils import png2jpg from import shapemap class AIDRAW_BASE: max_resolution: int = 16 sampler: str def __init__( self, user_id: str, group_id: str, tags: str = "", ntags: str = "", seed: int = None, scale: int = None, steps: int = None, batch: int = None, strength: float = None, noise: float = None, shape: str = "p", model: str = None, sampler: str = "", hires: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ AI绘画的核心部分,将与服务器通信的过程包装起来,并方便扩展服务器类型 :user_id: 用户id,必须 :group_id: 群聊id,如果是私聊则应置为0,必须 :tags: 图像的标签 :ntags: 图像的反面标签 :seed: 生成的种子,不指定的情况下随机生成 :scale: 标签的参考度,值越高越贴近于标签,但可能产生过度锐化。范围为0-30,默认11 :steps: 训练步数。范围为1-50,默认28.以图生图时强制50 :batch: 同时生成数量 :strength: 以图生图时使用,变化的强度。范围为0-1,默认0.7 :noise: 以图生图时使用,变化的噪音,数值越大细节越多,但可能产生伪影,不建议超过strength。范围0-1,默认0.2 :shape: 图像的形状,支持"p""s""l"三种,同时支持以"x"分割宽高的指定分辨率。 该值会被设置限制,并不会严格遵守输入 类初始化后,该参数会被拆分为:width:和:height: :model: 指定的模型,模型名称在配置文件中手动设置。不指定模型则按照负载均衡自动选择 AIDRAW还包含了以下几种内置的参数 :status: 记录了AIDRAW的状态,默认为0等待中(处理中) 非0的值为运行完成后的状态值,200和201为正常运行,其余值为产生错误 :result: 当正常运行完成后,该参数为一个包含了生成图片bytes信息的数组 :maxresolution: 一般不用管,用于限制不同服务器的最大分辨率 如果你的SD经过了魔改支持更大分辨率可以修改该值并重新设置宽高 :cost: 记录了本次生成需要花费多少点数,自动计算 :signal: asyncio.Event类,可以作为信号使用。仅占位,需要自行实现相关方法 """ self.status: int = 0 self.result: list = [] self.signal: asyncio.Event = None self.model = model self.time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.user_id: str = user_id self.tags: str = tags self.seed: list[int] = [seed or random.randint(0, 4294967295)] self.group_id: str = group_id self.scale: int = int(scale or 11) self.strength: float = strength or 0.7 self.batch: int = batch or 1 self.steps: int = steps or 28 self.noise: float = noise or 0.2 self.ntags: str = ntags self.img2img: bool = False self.image: str = None self.width, self.height = self.extract_shape(shape) self.sampler = sampler self.hires = hires # 数值合法检查 if self.steps <= 0 or self.steps > (50 if not config.novelai_paid else 28): self.steps = 28 if self.strength < 0 or self.strength > 1: self.strength = 0.7 if self.noise < 0 or self.noise > 1: self.noise = 0.2 if self.scale <= 0 or self.scale > 30: self.scale = 11 # 多图时随机填充剩余seed for i in range(self.batch - 1): self.seed.append(random.randint(0, 4294967295)) # 计算cost self.update_cost() def extract_shape(self, shape: str): """ 将shape拆分为width和height """ if shape: if "x" in shape: width, height, *_ = shape.split("x") if width.isdigit() and height.isdigit(): return self.shape_set(int(width), int(height)) else: return shapemap.get(shape) else: return shapemap.get(shape) else: return (512, 768) def update_cost(self): """ 更新cost """ if config.novelai_paid == 1: anlas = 0 if (self.width * self.height > 409600) or self.image or self.batch > 1: anlas = round( self.width * self.height * self.strength * self.batch * self.steps / 2293750 ) if anlas < 2: anlas = 2 if self.user_id in get_driver().config.superusers: self.cost = 0 else: self.cost = anlas elif config.novelai_paid == 2: anlas = round( self.width * self.height * self.strength * self.batch * self.steps / 2293750 ) if anlas < 2: anlas = 2 if self.user_id in get_driver().config.superusers: self.cost = 0 else: self.cost = anlas else: self.cost = 0 def add_image(self, image: bytes): """ 向类中添加图片,将其转化为以图生图模式 也可用于修改类中已经存在的图片 """ # 根据图片重写长宽 tmpfile = BytesIO(image) image_ = width, height = image_.size self.width, self.height = self.shape_set(width, height) self.image = str(base64.b64encode(image), "utf-8") self.steps = 50 self.img2img = True self.update_cost() def shape_set(self, width: int, height: int): """ 设置宽高 """ limit = 1024 if config.paid else 640 if width * height > pow(min(config.novelai_size, limit), 2): if width <= height: ratio = height / width width: float = config.novelai_size / pow(ratio, 0.5) height: float = width * ratio else: ratio = width / height height: float = config.novelai_size / pow(ratio, 0.5) width: float = height * ratio base = round(max(width, height) / 64) if base > self.max_resolution: base = self.max_resolution if width <= height: return (round(width / height * base) * 64, 64 * base) else: return (64 * base, round(height / width * base) * 64) async def post_(self, header: dict, post_api: str, json: dict): """ 向服务器发送请求的核心函数,不要直接调用,请使用post函数 :header: 请求头 :post_api: 请求地址 :json: 请求体 """ # 请求交互 async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=header) as session: # 向服务器发送请求 async with, json=json) as resp: if resp.status not in [200, 201]: logger.error(await resp.text()) raise RuntimeError(f"与服务器沟通时发生{resp.status}错误") img = await self.fromresp(resp) logger.debug(f"获取到返回图片,正在处理") # 将图片转化为jpg if config.novelai_save == 1: image_new = await png2jpg(img) else: image_new = base64.b64decode(img) self.result.append(image_new) return image_new async def fromresp(self, resp): """ 处理请求的返回内容,不要直接调用,请使用post函数 """ img: str = await resp.text() return img.split("data:")[1] def run(self): """ 运行核心函数,发送请求并处理 """ pass def keys(self): return ( "seed", "scale", "strength", "noise", "sampler", "model", "steps", "width", "height", "img2img", ) def __getitem__(self, item): return getattr(self, item) def format(self): dict_self = dict(self) list = [] str = "" for i, v in dict_self.items(): str += f"{i}={v}\n" list.append(str) list.append(f"tags={self.tags}\n") list.append(f"ntags={self.ntags}") return list def __repr__(self): return ( f"time={self.time}\nuser_id={self.user_id}\ngroup_id={self.group_id}\ncost={self.cost}\nbatch={self.batch}\n" + "".join(self.format()) ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__().replace("\n", ";")